Massage & Reiki
Massage - Deep tissue massage
A true deep tissue massage from finger tips to toes to release all the held tension and aches. Every part of your body is connected by fascia and this full body deep tissue massage works every part of your body to really get the tightness to release.
Price: 1hr £45
To Book Email: [email protected] / Phone 07981 649509
Price: 1 hour - £35
Booking: [email protected]
A true deep tissue massage from finger tips to toes to release all the held tension and aches. Every part of your body is connected by fascia and this full body deep tissue massage works every part of your body to really get the tightness to release.
Price: 1hr £45
To Book Email: [email protected] / Phone 07981 649509
Price: 1 hour - £35
Booking: [email protected]