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Community Drum Circle

July 28, 2022

Sunday 7th August 4:30 - 6:30pm
We have now enjoyed 3 Drum Circles together and have had so much fun at these joyful events.Thank you to all who have come along to create and connect together.

The improvised rhythms created by the Drum Circle depend on respectful listening and playing, they are about relationship with each other. I think this is why the Mandala community drummers sound so wonderful - we yogis try to live by the principle of respectful relationship, we understand the need to notice and to respond to what we notice.

No experience needed
Playing in a Drum Circle doesn't require any experience at all, it only requires respect for each other and a desire to help to play as part of the circle. I will show you how to connect to the rhythm and find out what to play. There are no mistakes, only drum solos 🙂 This is of course an experience without judgement or expectation, everyone is welcomed to bring their own unique way of expressing their rhythm .

If you are curious about drumming and think you would enjoy it, but are worried about not knowing what to do - please come along and I promise you will surprise yourself by what you can create with just a little bit of gentle coaching.

Details and Booking at https://www.themandalapreston.com/other_classes/drum-circles/

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